Nature Gallery Math Activities

This was created with our odd June in mind. I was hoping to make something that involved low prep and that could be used face-to-face and at a distance. They say that outdoor learning is safe and healthy (and don’t we know it!) The result is Nature Quest 6: Springtime Leaves. 

Numeracy tasks include:

  • creating a gallery of leaf sketches and giving a monetary value to each one. Then playing with various problem situations. Lots of computation practice!
  • estimating and calculating area and perimeter
  • learning the parts and attributes of leaves and then collecting data based on that lens. Data can be converted into graphs.

The gallery pages I created to go along with this activity can be used for other Nature Quests as well. Students can take these pages outside on clipboards and make sketches of all kinds of objects right in place. Enjoy!

Nature Gallery Page: Nature Gallery

Problem Extensions: nature gallery problem extensions

Computation Practice Routines!

These routines are recommended for daily practice of computation. They are easy to prepare and personalize. Each guiding video provides scaffolding for thinking and recording. Plus they each end with a prompt to snap a photo of completed work. This photo can easily be entered into online portfolios by students or emailed to teachers for later assessment. Enjoy!

___ is the answer! What might be the question? A flexible computation routine where the students create the questions!

Keeping Sharp!  A simple review routine that encourages students to make adjustments to find appropriate challenge levels, to estimate and to practice solving using favoured methods.

Representing Your Thinking: Anyone who uses Carole Fullerton resources will be familiar with this as an assessment (it is, in fact, Van de Walle’s assessment). Turns out, it also makes a great computation routine.

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