Exploring Division

Onward to tackling division!  Division can be both boring and overwhelming for kids. So many steps to whatever algorithm you choose! Before jumping into division computation algorithms, I like to get kids thinking about what dividing is and how you can divide real materials evenly and fairly.

Exploring Division Part 1: In this video, you will get a chance to decide whether or not you are seeing division in the examples featured.  It is best to watch with a partner because you will be prompted to pause the video and discuss the examples.

Exploring Division Part 2: How can you divide fairly and equally?  This is the first in a series of challenges that help kids explore what division is and situations where you actually use division.

Dividing Rice (Exploring Division Part 2) Solutions:

After completing this video, I realized that there is a huge opportunity for teachers to encourage their class to try the challenge again.  And its great practice of the skill of determining reasonable parts to distribute to each group equally, assessing the remainder, and then dividing that into reasonable parts.  Plus, recording is key.  It will very comfortable to move from recording to the algorithm with practice.

Exploring Division Part 3: Another challenge to divide fairly and evenly, this time using paper.

Exploring Division Part 4: This challenge features money.

Writing Division Equations Part 1: A step-by-step, teaching key vocabulary (dividend and divisor) and use of symbols (division bracket and obelus).

Writing Division Equations Part 2: Continuing step-by-step practice of writing division equations and introducing the quotient.

Exploring Division Part 5: Putting all of our learning together. Exploring a division situation and recording it using all of our new skills.

Exploring Division 6: More practice writing equations and finding out quotients!

Exploring Division 7: Our first steps into division algorithms. We start gently, using a representation that relates to the division of real materials with one important difference: we are practicing the 2 steps that all division algorithms (no matter what style) require. One is keeping track of the quotient as you divide. The other is keeping track of how much dividend remains to be divided. I had to think about this one VERY CAREFULLY and am pretty pleased with the result.

Exploring Division 8: More practice using our beginner algorithm! Lots of remainders today.

Exploring Division 9: Moving to a partial quotients method of division, a perfect next step! The partial quotients method is more efficient, yet uses the same number sense strategies as the beginner algorithm.

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