How well do you know Terry? A Mystery Number Challenge (level 3)

Terry Fox is a Canadian hero. How much do you know about his story?

If you don’t know anything at all about Terry or you feel you need a refresher, click here to watch this video on Terry’s life and legacy.

Time for a mystery number challenge! Here are a set of numbers:

They are very important numbers in the story of Terry Fox. Read each number out loud with a buddy. Record each number from least to greatest in your math book.

If you would like, you can print this page (Terry Fox Numbers Level 3). Cut out each number and glue them in order in your math book. When you are done, you are ready to move onto a very important step!

What do I know about these numbers? Take some time to look at each number and write some ideas about each. They can be math ideas (e.g.: the number is even! It is a number in the thousands! The expanded form of this number is_____) or Terry Fox ideas (e.g.: I think this was his age).

Next, they need us to figure out their identity. We do that by giving them units. Here are the units that match the numbers, but they are all mixed up! Plus, you need to use some units more than once.

Try to give each number a unit that makes sense. It is okay for you to give your best guess.  Record your ideas in your math journal. When you are done, click here to read about Terry Fox and see the ways that the numbers are connected to Terry’s story.

Finally, give the numbers their proper meanings by writing the correct units and connecting them to Terry’s story. For example, if the number 18 was part of the list, we would find out that Terry was 18 years old when he got cancer. It is important to write the unit (years old) beside the number 18. It is also important to connect the story to the number: this is when Terry got cancer. Now we properly understand the significance of the number 18. The unit and the story give the number it’s meaning.

If you would like an answer key, you are in luck! Here it is: Terry Fox Level 3 Answer Key

Good luck everyone!

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